In the first half of 2020, there was heated online debate regarding School Zones. It was because the revised law, the so-called "the Min-sik Law" passed the National Assembly and took effect in consequence of the death caused by a traffic accident of a nine-year-old boy called "Min-sik" who was crossing the crosswalk in front of his school located in Asan, Chungnam in September of 2019. While many citizens agreed on the purpose of this law, there was a public opinion via petition to Blue House against the law arguing that the law applies excessive punishment to drivers. This debate naturally encouraged people to talk about many related topics, including the car navigation system. In the middle of this situation, T map recognized that many drivers were confused about clear standards of School Zones. We were deeply concerned about the best way to protect both drivers and children, so we added a new function to our system.
We have been focusing on provision of conveniences for drivers. How can we inform drivers of the best route? How can we help them operate the GPS navigation in the easiest way? How can we provide benefits for drivers as much as possible? These have been our main concerns. However, in front of this social issue, we thought it was necessary to consider even safety of pedestrians beyond our driver-oriented attention. It is to develop further and enhance our system. GPS navigation that is also considerate about safety of pedestrians will make the entire society safe, by upgrading one step further beyond giving a mere route guide. Above all, we wanted to contribute to preventing accidents in School Zones.
Setting social values as corporate management philosophy, SK Group is applying this to all management activities. As a member of SK Group, we were convinced that keeping safety of people meant fulfilling social values. We realized that it was important to keep safety for not only drivers but also pedestrians, considering that many unexpected events take place at School Zones. We believed that social values could be fulfilled by adding the function of accident prevention in School Zones to our system. The functions added for safety at School Zones may be a bit difficult to use in the beginning, but it will definitely contribute to preventing any possible accidents in many different driving situations.
To assure safety of pedestrians at School Zones, we considered many different methods. What matters most is the awareness of drivers that they are approaching the School Zones "here and now." To strengthen the notification effect, we decided to include a child' real voice. We used a child's voice because we thought that the driver could recognize the presence of a School Zone and importance of regulated speed with a higher probability if the notification is given in a child's voice.
Accidents will be actively prevented by strengthening safety
equipment inside School Zones as follows.
Obligatory installation of unmanned traffic monitoring devices
in all School Zones, & consecutive and annual installation programmed
Installation of safety facilities in School Zones, i.e. signal flags
and Speed Limit signs at the crosswalk, safety signs on crosswalk
safety and speed bumps
Yes, we added the option of children protection routes. Drivers can opt for routes avoiding School Zones as much as possible to assure safety of both drivers and children. However, this does not mean that School Zones are always excluded from the routes. From a realist perspective, in case there is no detour route because the destination is inside the School Zone or in case the detour can take more than 10 minutes causing inconvenience to the driver, we inform the driver is guided to pass by the School Zone for his/her convenience and slow down.
We aim to provide GPS navigation services reducing traffic accidents and fulfilling social values while putting priority on safety for both drivers and pedestrians. We hope that you can keep supporting us and showing constant love for T map. We are deeply thankful to all our T map users.
Since March 25 of 2020, which changes would have brought to drivers? To compare before and after implementation of the Min-sik Law, we selected ten places with the greatest number of speeding, sudden deceleration and sudden acceleration that occurred in School Zones, and made comparison with the data of June. According to the analysis result, the traffic volume of ten places with the greatest amount of acceleration increased by 16.6% from about 330,000 cases of March to about 390,000 cases of June. On the other hand, the number of speeding reduced by about 4,500 cases, showing diminishment of speeding rate by 5.0%p compared to traffic volume. The biggest drop of rate was observed in the neighborhood of Gyesu Elementary School of Siheung, Gyeonggi-do, while the smallest drop of rate happened near Eungbong Elementary School of Seoul. It is estimated that the speeding rate by Eungbong Elementary school did not significantly decrease because the speed limit was set to 60km per hour and had high traffic volume.
School | Speed limit | Speeding rate (2020. 3.) |
Speeding rate (2020. 6.) |
Reduction |
Gyeonggi, Siheung-si Gyesu Elementary School |
30km/h |
![]() |
32.1% |
Seoul, Seongdong-gu Eungbong Elementary School |
60km/h |
![]() |
7.5% |
* 1 week before implementation : 2020. 3. 16. ~ 22.
* 1 week after implementation : 2020. 6. 8. ~ 14.
* Speeding rate = (The number of speeding/ traffic) x 100
Moreover, speed limit in ten places with the greatest amount of rapid deceleration and acceleration in School Zones all exceeded 50km per hour. The traffic volume of March was approximately 560,000 cases, and that of June was 620,000 cases, showing increase by 11%. However, 343 cases of rapid deceleration and acceleration were registered, presenting decrease by 6%. No increase was registered compared to the traffic volume, and this phenomenon demonstrates that T map users were driving with more precaution in School Zones. Taking a close look at it, we can discover that reduction rate near Samsung Elementary School of Anyang, with the highest number of rapid deceleration and acceleration in March turned out to be 0.3%p, displaying the biggest figure. Since the neighborhood of Somang Kindergarten of Seoul is accessible to Olympic-daero and Nodeul-ro, the traffic volume was twice as high as other regions. However, the area showed the lowest rate of rapid deceleration and acceleration with only 0.6%. It is interpreted that people have relatively high awareness of the character of this area as a School Zone for there are Heukseok Elementary School and large-scale apartment complexes nearby.
School | Speed limit | Rapid decelera -tion /accele- ration rate (2020. 3.) |
Rapid decelera -tion /accele- ration rate (2020. 6.) |
Reduction |
Gyeonggi, Siheung-si Gyesu Elementary School |
60km/h |
![]() |
1.1% |
Seoul, Seongdong-gu Eungbong Elementary School |
50km/h |
![]() |
0.5% |
* 1 week before implementation : 2020. 3. 16. ~ 22.
* 1 week after implementation : 2020. 6. 8. ~ 14.
* Speeding rate = (The number of speeding/ traffic) x 100
According to the report of the Korean National Police Agency, as of July of 2019, no less than 501 places out of 16,789 School Zones have the speed limit of over 50km per hour. Many people thought that the speed limit in School Zones corresponded to 30km per hour. However, in reality, it differed from 20km to 60km per hour. From 2020 on, the speed limit in School Zones will be adjusted under 30km per hour. Nonetheless, realistically speaking, it is difficult to keep 30km per hour near the intersections with high traffic volume, and the old facilities in the School Zones are being replaced in stages. Considering this, we will have to give more time to see if the Min-sik Law bears desired fruit in the future. The controversy about effectiveness of the Min-sik Law will possibly go on for a while, but there is little room for doubt about safety of children as top priority. Along with changes in social awareness and systems, T map will take part in the mission of pursuing social values for both drivers and pedestrians With this initiative of adding notification functions of School Zones and children protection routes, we hope that we can anticipate an ideal