Our Team

People who pave the way,
the pioneers
Interview with Quality Control Team

There are some indispensable tasks to make T map reach a near-perfect levels, but they work behind the scenes. Since navigation service is used during driving, it is not easy to verify the quality only in the laboratory. Real world tests must be conducted outside the laboratory as well. For this purpose, the Quality Control team in charge of driving tests repeats travel from Seoul to Busan numerous times.


Kyung Min

Hyun Joon

Tae Ho

How is Quality Control Team composed of?

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
It comprises three Parts. They are Application Quality Control Part in cooperation with Development Team, Content Quality Control Part and Voice of Customer Part.

Please introduce yourself and
tell us what you are in charge of.

Kyung Min Lee   |   VOC Part
Hello, I am Kyung Min Lee, and I am working for VOC Part. When customers find some inconvenience while using T map, they call Customer Service Center first. When there are some issues that Customer Center cannot handle, then VOC Part engages in settlement. For this reason, I sometimes meet the customer in person or check errors in person going to the roads where problems occur with frequency. When the error is confirmed, I formalize this case and solve the problem in cooperation with Development Team.

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
Hello, my name is Hyun Joon Yoo. I am working for Content Quality Control Part. Simply speaking, I verify maps of T map and background images. I also inspect when content update is made.

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
Hello, I am Tae Ho Kim and I am working at Content Quality Control Part. My main duty is to manage characters and symbols that appear on road network and maps. I also check contents such as POI (Point of Interest) and safe driving assistance.

Normally, we associate Quality Control Team
with road driving test only. It is surprising to discover
how broad your scope of duties are.

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
In my case, when the task requested from Development Team can be conducted in the lab, I do in at the office. I go out when I need to test drive or confirm the field conditions.

What kind of tests
do you normally conduct?

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
I check if T map is under normal operation when a new version of T map is released or the operating system such as Android or IOS is updated. When content such as safe driving information and maps are updated, I periodically conduct tests in the lab and in real world. In addition, for route guide quality control, I do comparative tests with navigations from other companies. When it is necessary to carry out reenactment or field quality inspection upon the customers' request, I also conduct tests. During the test, I basically verify if all functions are under normal operation. I also check if the details modified by customer report or data received from Korea Expressway Corporation have been properly updated.

How do you carry out
comparative tests with
products from other companies?

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
In three test vehicles, we place many Smartphones and install both T map navigation and navigations from other companies. We conduct comparative tests according to the scenario. We also do the test to see who arrives first at the destination by setting a destination from the same starting point using different navigation syetems. We analyze if there are any problems in T map routes and what the advantages and disadvantages the services have. Then we deliver the analysis results to Development Team and they modify T map. WE finally do one more test again with the modified T map.

What is the most challenging area
or duties in field work?

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
It may differ from person to person. Personally, Busan was the toughest one. Busan has many complicated roads. In particular, on coming out of the tunnel, you catch sight of two divided roads in many cases. After coming out of the tunnel, it takes time to get the GPS signal again, so you go off course many times.

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
Same here. Busan is tough for me too. The old town area is quite complicated for the roads are not well-maintained. The older the city is, the harder the field work is. Cities like Daejeon where recent urban development has done are relatively well-maintained and things are smoother.

Kyung Min Lee   |   VOC Part
In my case, it is not very often that I go to other regions for work because I belong to VOC Part. Sometimes I need to meet customers in person in other towns. Many times, they are upset. It is because they see me when a pending issue from Customer Service Center has not been solved. They have been waiting too long. When I visit the concerning areas, some issues can be solved ion the spot, but there are other issues that are hard to be solved immediately. This kind of complicated situation can sometimes happen.

What are the most frequently
asked questions?

Kyung Min Lee   |   VOC Part
Well, it is about the GPS-related problem and we have been constantly receiving this inquiry for a long time. In fact, the problem occurs when the performance of the user's mobile phone deteriorates, but many of customers think this is the problem of T map. In this case, we analyze a primary source and deliver the confirmed result to the customer. Then they sometimes go straight to the manufacturer. Even after visiting the manufacturer and the problem persists, we visit the customer and carry out the test.

Do you sometimes receive test requests
from other Parts?

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
Yes, Develop Team sometimes requests a verification test. This test is done to check if there are any errors in the App and if the routes have been corrected before launching it to customers. In general, the route test is conducted during peak hours. The peak hours refer to heavy traffic congestion time such as commuting hours or holidays. Standard data can be established if you test during peak hours. Of course, we sometimes carry out tests during non-peak hours. It all depends on the situation.

When you do tests, are there any parts
to which you pay special attention?

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
I pay special attention when I make test routes in the metropolitan areas or in the provinces. I focus on the task of finding differences in the guided routes between T map and navigations from other companies.

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
For example, if navigations of other companies guide drivers to perimeter roads or paid roads in the province, T map ponders over the possibility of making a different route trying to avoid using the same road. It is not only about making a different route but about creating a better experience. With this mission in mind, we carry out tests.

What is the outstanding competitiveness of T map
compared to other companies?

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
I think that competitiveness of T map lies in precision of information on estimated arrival time. It is essential to predict how long it takes to the destination when congestion is predominant. I am proud to say that T map is able to calculate the estimated arrival time with precision.

Estimated time of arrival accuracy

* 2019. 11. 18. ~ 19.

When was the moment you felt most rewarded
or fulfilled while working at Quality Control Team?

Hyun Joon Yoo   |   Content QC Part
One day, a customer complained that when he comes out of the alley, he is supposed to turn right and immediately turn left, but the the distance from right turn to left turn was too short, making the access to left turn lane difficult. I asked the corresponding Part to improve the guide and they corrected it. I feel rewarded when my coordination works for correcting problems. I also feel fulfilled when many people compliment T map on the performance and only T map could detect some speed cameras.

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
I feel rewarded when people around me and friends compliment T map on the performance. Other navigations missed but only T map detected the speed cameras. When this kind of thing happens, I feel happy.

Do you have any messages you would
like to deliver to T map users?

Tae Ho Kim   |   Content QC Part
Since T map is created by many processes and many people, it is not always able to fully identify unexpected accidents or traffic volume increase. Our Quality Control Team is conducting a variety of tests to steadily improve the system by identifying merits and demerits of T map. If you find some inconvenience when using, we kindly ask your cooperation in informing us of your observations based of developing T map as a partner. We are always deeply thankful to you all.