T map Family

T map API Business

As long as you have your Smartphone at hand, you don't have to go to a store or a supermarket and buy anything you want online. The delivery time is getting shorter and shorter. If you order a product in the morning, you will get it the same evening right in front of your house. Order something before going to bed and you will have it the next morning. Behind this daily magic, there is T map API technology. Thanks to this technology vehicles are allocated by calculating the distance to the destination within 5 minutes after the order. This complex technology is open to T map API as a shared public source and diverse companies use it. In sum, T map tech and the front line of map-based businesses converge on T map API.

What is T map API service?

T map API (Application Programing Interface) is a service provided in an open API form, allowing external partners to have easy access to different data used by T map such as electronic map, POI, address, traffic route and realtime traffic information. It is not necessary for partners themselves to develop map-related functions. They can easily access the T map API system, which combines powerful T map performance with services of SK Telecom. Since it provided in the form of JavaScript API on the Web, and in the form of Android/iOS SDK on mobile phones, easy and simple use is available in accordance with the nature of business requirements. Currently, T map presents more than 80 APIs through exclusive documentation. It provides partners with some practical examples to easily help with their applications. The range of data constitutes map viewing, POI searching, route finding, address finding, multiple stopovers, stopover optimizing and realtime traffic information. If you use T map API for the first time, it is advisable to launch after developing services within the scope of API provided free of charge. Over time, when the amount used increases, it is possible to change to a paid measured rate system or a fixed rate system to enlarge the business using the expanded T map API.

Overview of key functions of T map API



POI search


Multiple stopover


Geo fencing

Traffic information

Road API


T map API provides a variety of route options such as recommended route used by T map, minimum time route and comfort able route. Moreover, if you use the function of time machine route search, you can be guided with the optimal roads based on variation of traffic data for the past three months. When is this function mainly used? It is used chiefly to check how long it takes from a distribution center to the destination when morning delivery is made, and adjust allocation time of vehicles for delivery.

Route guide API provides information not only for passenger cars and trucks but also for pedestrians. In particular, when it comes to trucking routes, it includes essential information for cargo transportation operators such as weight limit sections and access restriction time. Truck drivers often face facilities with height limits such as pedestrian overpasses and tunnels. If the truck drivers register height and length of the vehicle beforehand, it is possible to reduce the chances of collision risks since the data of route finding is obtained by avoiding such restricted sections. Multiple route API and stopover optimization API are mainly used by delivery companies and distribution companies. Multiple route API refers to the function to calculate the estimated time when making turns to the destination with the sequence of way points fixed. On the other hand, stopover optimization API informs the most efficient sequences of delivery by collecting traffic information around the destination of maximum 100 spots. Even if the delivery is cancelled or a new delivery destination is added, the system allows realtime correction of routes. With this advantage, it is significantly helpful to not only partners but also transportation operators. For partners, the greatest objective of using T map API is to find addresses with precision. More than 5 years passed since our country adopted the address system of using road names. Despite this, not all road names are standardized and many people still use the lot number-based addresses, leading to difficulty in delivery tasks.

Geocoding API is technology changing the lot number-based addresses or unstandardized information to addresses using road names. Thus, it is one of API services with a high utilization rate. This also allows transforming GPS coordinate itself into a recognized address. This contributed to reducing one inconvenient task. In the previous method, the guide was available only until reaching the entrance of an apartment complex. For this reason, it was inconvenient to look for the corresponding apartment building after arriving the complex. However, this Geocoding API is able to recognize GPS coordinates as an address and exactly guides to where the corresponding apartment building is located. Road API refers to technology calculating information of real distance traveled by remembering the driver's driving route as a GPS log. For example, when a company calculates the gas bill after having used an outsourced vehicle, Road API makes it possible to compute the real distance traveled by the driver for business purposes. At the same time, it is possible to diminish costs by efficient operation of vehicles if TMS (Transportation Management System) API of provided by T map API is used. TMS API is a service allocating many vehicles based on the system of route finding in T map. This contributes to reducing costs by replacing the work that used to be applied to overpriced solutions or required manual work.

What are goals and future of T map API?

T map API, which was released in 2012, currently provides services for more than 6,500 projects, creating more than 500 million API calls a month. This system is being applied to multifarious service areas covering distribution control, food and beverage delivery, emergency service, taxi calls, designated driver and car sharing. Such technology not only contributes to progress of companies and industries but also brings changes to everyday life of consumers. It is equally important to support start-up companies that have good business ideas yet with insufficient technology. Therefore, since 2017, T map has been holding competition events regarding development of Smart Tourism App in cooperation with the Korea Tourism Organization to fully support technology of services proposed by star-up companies. What are goals and future of T map API? T map API will lead in creating an environment that offers more convenience by assisting various partners and supporting B2B service areas in an effective and reliable manner.