fitting their taste 100%

Changes in parenting

and life style

Child rearing is one of the important turning points in many moments of life. It is because the center of life transforms from "I" into "family" and the priority changes to terms such as shopping, hobbies and travel. Such changes are consistently reflected in the destinations indicated by the GPS navigation system. It is because the destinations vary when accompanied with children, and even the frequency of visit differs when going to the same places. We made an analysis of changes in life style, based on the movement traffic data of destinations visited by groups with children and those without children.

Where the group without children visit

The destinations for leisure and travel differ depending on presence of children. People without the burden of child rearing often visit the places of leisure accompanied by outdoor activities such as golf courses or campsites. he frequency of visits significantly reduce when they have children. This shows that they are particularly motivated to travel to crowded outdoors.
The places to visit naturally change in because children can get lost in the crowds and act unpredictably. The same happens with shopping. The frequency of visiting men’s wear and adult wear is far higher in the group without children. This suggests that, once the child is born, the priority of consumption changes from individuals to the child or family as a whole.

Destination preference for childless groups


The difference in preference for golf field in groups with
no children compared to groups with children.






Golf field

Tourist attraction

Clothing store

* 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 12.
* Preference = Relative value when the preference of other groups to be compared is set as 100%

Where you can visit with your children

It turned out that the group with children visits public facilities with more frequency than the group without children. At the same public facilities, the places of preference differ between the group with and without children. For example, the group without children prefers baseball parks, while the group with children prefers playgrounds (stadiums) or sports facilities. Instead of baseball parks, the group with children visits playgrounds (stadiums) or sports facilities allowing physical movement and exercise. It is estimated that parents often visit such places because they can encourage their children to have some physical exercise, which others can accept a certain level of noise that children make.
Difference was also observed in the use of libraries. The places that clearly are tourist sites, such as the Forest of Wisdom of Paju, were high in the rank for the group without children. On the other hand, the group with children preferred places equipped with libraries for children. When enjoying a cultural life with children, they preferred places where they can avoid interrupting others. Therefore, the group without children visit cultural facilities such as movie theaters and art galleries with more frequency, while the group with children opt for cultural education programs designed for children.

Destination preference for groups with children


Difference in preference for cultural centers of groups
with children compared to groups without children





Cultural center


* 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 12.
* Preference = Relative value when the preference of other groups to be compared is set as 100%

Eating out? Now the culture has changed

Since the 2000s, when children are injured by accidents near restaurants and coffee shops, there used to be a fierce controversy over who is responsible for the accident. As a result, the term "No Kids Zone" first appeared in 2014. Currently, it is presumed that there are about 400 "No Kids Zones" operate throughout the country. Most of them are high-class restaurants and coffee shops. Even when they do not belong to No Kids Zones, they often separate the soft-play area for children from the main restaurant area. When we go to a restaurant with children, it is common that we hurriedly eat and leave the place as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we opt for delivery food to avoid the inconvenience. T map movement data proves that the frequency of eating out significantly decreased in the families with children. In particular, the number of people going to buffet restaurants considerably diminished because people must self-serve food in such restaurants. Moreover, diversity of choosing dining menus at the restaurants notably decreased as well. Instead, big increase in demand for box lunch was observed. This must prove that going to a restaurant with children is highly burdensome for most parents. It is natural that children act unpredictably at unfamiliar places. It is the role of parents to correctly raise these children, but the responsibility must be shared with the society. If a society is not considerate of children and their parents, No Kids Zone will expand, so that we will no longer be able to hear the laughter of children around us.

Restaurant preferences for groups with children





Take out food

Casual dining

Korean food






Not Preferred place Preferred place Take out food Korean food Casual dining restaurant Buffet

* 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 12.
* Preference = Relative value based on the preference of the group without children as 100%