T map Family

T map Taxi

The songs of the 90s evoking nostalgia are loved again, and the old objects with touches of old memories are in the limelight as "Newtro (New+Retro)." However, intangible services hardly come back once they are forgotten. In T map, there is one service that had been forgotten but revived. Guess what? That is T map Taxi. Many users sought the taxi services of another ride hailing company, which was launched one month earlier than T map Taxi, in April of 2015. Witnessing this phenomenon, we were not sure whether T map Taxi, would be succesful and deeply pondered over the issue. Thankfully, thousands of taxi drivers were still logging in to our app waiting for passengers.

T map Taxi, what for?

When it comes to taxis in the city, their supply needs to be controlled in terms of environment and city management. When infrastructure of public transportation was not enough, taxis used to be the most convenient means of transportation. However, the amount of taxis increased up to 6.77 units per 1,000 people, and this means that taxis in our country surprisingly outnumber those of Paris, New York and London. In proportion to supply surplus, income of drivers decreased, so they struggle to secure customers, for every minute counts. They literally fight for seconds. Nonetheless, from the perspective of passengers, taxis are hardly available when it is urgently needed. It is not easy to stand in uncomfortable silence when the passenger's only option is the taxi driver. Even though T map Taxi is unable to solve chronic problems of taxi industry, we believed that improved taxi service quality through new attempts would be helpful to both passengers and drivers.

Number of taxis per 1000 people

How to use T map Taxi

# Check your departure location

We paid attention to the fact that passengers of T map Taxi call taxi from inside the building, most of the time. Since we carry out location tracking of passengers with satellite-based GPS information, it is difficult to identify the exact position when they are indoors. For this reason, it is inevitable that the location of a passenger does not coincide with the point where the taxi arrives. For this situation, not to make the taxi driver wait in a wrong place, we added a system to check the agreed place where the taxi and passenger should meet.

# Deliver the passenger's request

Since the intermediation service is limited, during ride T map Taxi is not able to directly control or correct the behaviors of drivers. However, we added some functions to deliver general requests of passengers such as "no unnecessary talks to assure a more comfortable ride" and "no speeding." The driver on duty can check the passenger's request before arriving at the pick-up point. This service can make the ride more enjoyable for both drivers and passengers.

# Rate your driver

During your ride T map Taxi will send an app push notification asking you to rate the driver. This information is essential to provide better matching services for the future, but it is not easy for most of people to spare for lengthly review. Therefore, this App invites you to take part in quick star rating. Of course, the rating is anonymous.

# Try special functions

We add new functions helpful to taxi users such as delivering the route option chosen by the passenger to the driver's navigation and sending "a safe return home LIVE" notification showing the user's location in real time.

Bring satisfaction to both
passengers and drivers

We devote ourselves to rigorous development of services, through lengthy debates about the best way to satisfy both passengers and drivers. Passengers want to take a taxi from a desired place at certain desired times, while drivers are forced to move towards somewhere at every moment. Both parties have their needs and suggest. Beyond the traditional options such as "the waiting nearby taxi" or "the empty taxi passing by," we try to study a variety of preferences and patterns of passengers to give T map Taxi an identity with superior values. Moreover, we make an effort to give meaning to each encounter between the passenger and the driver beyond the mere coincidence of catching a taxi.